TripleLift Audiences

Audience, Contextual
Desktop web, Mobile web
TripleLift Audiences packages audience segments spanning third-party and first-party data to deliver outcomes for advertisers today and in a cookieless future. Elevated by our placement-level optimization, commitment to first-party data, and award-winning data activation technology, TripleLift Audiences enables audience targeting where you need it most. Of our TripleLift Audiences offering, Publisher First-Party Data (1PD) Audiences future-proofs targeting by packaging a publisher’s inventory and mapping it across a standard taxonomy. These contextual and behavioral segments are made available to programmatic advertisers in cookie-constrained environments. Today our solution already covers billions of ad requests a day that don’t have a third party cookie, which includes inventory where third party data providers struggle, where ID graphs don’t work as well, and where probabilistic solutions will degrade over time.